Well, the Pink Beast has a new home. After my August trip, I decided it was time to let her go. I posted her on craigslist really cheap, and listed everything wrong in the interest of full disclosure. Progressive gave me a nice check for the generator, which I did not replace, and so I figured whatever else I could get would make me happy. I also figured I'd be lucky to get 2 or 3 hits on craiglist because who is going to buy a gas-guzzling, old RV with all her issues - especially in the fall of the year.
To my surprise, I had about 20 people express interest.... most just asking more questions but quite a few who wanted to really check her out. Ironically, it was a couple from my congregation who ended up buying her today. Jeanne was in volunteering in the office when I gave Carol a report on how the sale was going. She and Brian have been looking (which I didn't know) and she was very interested. Today we went to get her from the storage place and I had Brian drive her back to church to get a feel for how she drives. I pointed out every single flaw - don't want any surprises coming later - and they still wanted her.
I'm surprised though at my mix of feelings. The Beast has been my escape, my refuge, and my freedom. She has served me very well, and I really will miss her. But she's going to a good home and I can still see her if I want. Heck, Jeanne & Brian said I can still use her if I want - or if we want to use her for a youth trip again.
At the same time, I'm relieved. With all the thefts this year, and the stress of trying to figure out how to get things fixed and taken care of in the midst of Mom's illness, she was becoming less of a refuge and more of a stressor. But again, I know she'll be in a good home and will be used well. Now I just hope she continues to serve her new owners well too. (Especially since they are VERY good parishioners and I don't want them to end up cursing me out for selling her to them!)
Someday I do plan to get another RV.... this time a newer one and probably a Class B (smaller, easier to store, more manageable.) That will be sometime down the road though, when I actually have time to use it more and better. Until then, I'll have to restrict my adventures to car or plane trips, and Max will have to stay home.