Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Where do these things get into my brain?

I really wonder about my dreams sometimes. If you ask most people about their dreams, you'll hear about things like losing teeth (which I have never had happen in one of mine... can't even imagine that) or falling or a lot of running and chasing kinds of dreams. Mine? Full length movies with well developed plots and scenery.

Seriously. Full length movies. In my waking hours this morning (which is when I have the dreams I remember) I dreamt that I was going to a movie. But as I watched the movie, I was IN the movie. It was about a group of families being forced to leave their homes and embark on a train with destination unknown. (Perhaps my youth group's "mystery trip" had some influence here?) When they found out that the train was taking them to a Russian concentration camp, one of the children in a family came up with a plan to save them from the train, but only his family would listen to him. The rest of the families stayed with the train because they didn't believe anyone who told them they were going to their death.

See? No simple falling dreams for me! I cannot even begin to figure out where these things come from. I try to do as much analysis as I can using the dream dictionary on the Dream Moods website, but I think a dream professional would have a "hey day" with mine. Maybe someday I'll actually write a movie script from one of these dreams and make my fortune.

Speaking of making my fortune.... I'm off to Vegas in 2 days with Linda & Rod & Karen. Maybe I'll make enough there to take time off from my real job to work on that movie script. Before that though, I have to take my laptop in today for yet another repair job. That's 4 in one year. If Best Buy honors the extended service plan, I should be coming home with a new laptop. But I ain't holdin' my breath on that one. I have the feeling I'll just be without it for another 3 weeks while they send it in for the repair work again. My luck with this Toshiba laptop, AND with Best Buy, has not been good. Better be better in Vegas.