Oh to be young and brave!

Can I just say how jealous I am of my niece, Jessica? But after I admit that, I must also point out how proud I am of her. She is doing what I so wish I'd had the courage to do when I was her age. After going off to college in Florida, and staying there to work for a couple of years after graduating, Jess quit her job to move to New Zealand for a year.
She went there with the assurance that she would have a job for the year, and some help with living arrangements. But still - how many people would have the courage to move to the other side of the world without knowing a soul and not know what to expect? She just went to have the experience and explore another part of the world. This same young woman also did a semester at sea during college to get to see the world too. Again, I have to say I am so jealous my teeth hurt! Why didn't I even think about doing something so adventurous when I was her age? Heck, I thought I was brave when I went to work at a camp! What a wimp I was....
This photo is one Jessica sent to many of us back home so we could see some of what she is living. She took this on a weekend trip to Piha - the surfing capitol of New Zealand (or did she say the world? I can't recall.) I do believe she also has a gift for photography besides the bravery to head into the great unknown. You go girl!