Winding down
Yes, my blog entries have slowed down tremendously. I know. It's not my fault. My laptop is in the hands of the Best Buy Geek Squad. I actually returned to Milwaukee a bit early to get it in for repairs. Whatever is causing it to freeze when I boot up is being caused by a hardware problem so it has been sent out to wherever it is those guys send computers. I am now dependent upon the kindness of friends for computer access (thanks Linda & Steve!)
It's not such a bad thing that I had to return early. I've had so much stuff to get done this week, I can't imagine trying to do it all in one day before going back to work. On Sunday I unloaded most of my stuff from the Beast and since then have sorted and put away and done 4 loads of laundry. I also bug bombed the Beast after discovering tiny little ant thingies when I stripped the sheets off my bed. Yes, I did wash my sheets regularly while on the road, but since the last time these ants appeared, which may explain the little itchy bumps on my head that have now disappeared. Then I thoroughly vacuumed and shampooed the rug to take care of lingering odors from Max's brief rebellion against using the litter box while we were moving (the source of the stink from many weeks ago.) I also have found a place to store the Beast when I get back from my parents house this weekend.
That's going to be the last gasp of my sabbatical. Originally the plan was to go home today and stay through the weekend there. I'm scheduled to preach at their church this Sunday while their pastor is on sabbatical. The last time those folks (including my parents) heard me preach was about 15 years ago when I was still in seminary. Since I have no laptop to take with me now, I'm trying to get a sermon written before I go to Edgar.
So thankfully I have the Johnson home available for computer use. Hopefully I'll still leave tomorrow, but for sure on Friday. Now the dilemma is... will it be more traumatic for Moses & Max if I load them up into the RV again or if I leave them home alone for a few days? They're so used to having me around all the time, I think the latter may be more difficult for them. Or maybe just for me. Guess I'll decide when I finally get the sermon done and get ready to hit the road one last time.
This transition week has been good though. I've been slowly dealing with some church things again, and find myself actually getting eager to get back to work. (Is that me really talking?)
It's not such a bad thing that I had to return early. I've had so much stuff to get done this week, I can't imagine trying to do it all in one day before going back to work. On Sunday I unloaded most of my stuff from the Beast and since then have sorted and put away and done 4 loads of laundry. I also bug bombed the Beast after discovering tiny little ant thingies when I stripped the sheets off my bed. Yes, I did wash my sheets regularly while on the road, but since the last time these ants appeared, which may explain the little itchy bumps on my head that have now disappeared. Then I thoroughly vacuumed and shampooed the rug to take care of lingering odors from Max's brief rebellion against using the litter box while we were moving (the source of the stink from many weeks ago.) I also have found a place to store the Beast when I get back from my parents house this weekend.
That's going to be the last gasp of my sabbatical. Originally the plan was to go home today and stay through the weekend there. I'm scheduled to preach at their church this Sunday while their pastor is on sabbatical. The last time those folks (including my parents) heard me preach was about 15 years ago when I was still in seminary. Since I have no laptop to take with me now, I'm trying to get a sermon written before I go to Edgar.
So thankfully I have the Johnson home available for computer use. Hopefully I'll still leave tomorrow, but for sure on Friday. Now the dilemma is... will it be more traumatic for Moses & Max if I load them up into the RV again or if I leave them home alone for a few days? They're so used to having me around all the time, I think the latter may be more difficult for them. Or maybe just for me. Guess I'll decide when I finally get the sermon done and get ready to hit the road one last time.
This transition week has been good though. I've been slowly dealing with some church things again, and find myself actually getting eager to get back to work. (Is that me really talking?)
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