Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Ah the Irony!

Ask most people what they love about camping, and one answer you'll get often is campfires. That's never been a favorite of mine. I don't really like the lingering smell of campfire smoke on my clothes and in my nose. Yes, the fire is beautiful to watch, mesmerizing even. But what is an enticing smell to some people is just stink to me. Love the camping, hate the campfires. Maybe it reminds me too much of the wood furnace at home.

What I've discovered on this journey is that there's a reason I don't like campfires. Something about them triggers my allergies and makes me miserable. For the last couple of weeks I've been at campgrounds that either don't have fire rings, or the campers there weren't into fires. It's mostly the "weekend warrior" types who feel the need to keep that damn fire going from the time they get up until they go to bed at night with fires still smoldering. So the last place that was filled with so many fires was Cherokee, NC. Now tonight I've got them on both sides of me, and my sinuses instantly filled up. After a violent round of endless sneezing, my head feels like I've got a pillow stuffed inside and my eyes are puffing up. Gotta be the campfires because this hasn't happened since Cherokee. I am soooo glad I bought some more Actifed at my last stop. That's the only way I'll be able to breathe tonight while I sleep, and it makes me sleep heavy too.

Here I thought my allergies at home were triggered by 50+ years of dust mites accumulated in quilts and pillows. Guess the woodburning furnace has a lot to do with it too. No wonder I dread winter visits up north.

I'm learning quite a variety of things about myself on this sabbatical.


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