Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What a Moron!


OK, so I know we all have choices to make in this world. I know business people can make whatever choices they want about who to serve and who to allow to use their property. But this man made a totally moronic decision - as I see it, it's moronic even from a business standpoint, and it just plain pisses me off!

He had been allowing this Madison church to use his parking ramp free on Sunday mornings during their worship, but has now told them unless they stop serving as an emergency homeless shelter for overflow from the regular shelter, they cannot use his ramp. Excuse me?? He wants to force this church NOT to do one of the very basic things that a church is called to do?????? Feed the poor, shelter the homeless, reach out to the outcast and needy of the world? Part of the basic teachings of Jesus - but hey, if you want to park your cars on Sunday mornings you damn well better stop because those homeless guys are "bad neighbors." All I can say to that is, Jesus said "Love your neighbor as you love yourself."

Even from a business standpoint - bad move! Certainly bad PR, and will likely lose many customers for his business just from the bad press he's getting. Not only will the church members undoubtedly stop utilizing his business, but I would hope others would as well in a show of solidarity for the mission of the church.

Needless to say, the church said "no thanks" to the free parking and has kept on sheltering the 20 or so homeless men. Thank God there are places like that church to offer shelter, and people like those members to support it. My last congregation was an emergency shelter one night a week during the winter months (a program that I'm sure was similar to this one in Madison,) and part of my job as associate pastor was overseeing this ministry. It was a very, very time-consuming and exhausting ministry for the congregation because of the sheer numbers of volunteers we needed for all those Saturday nights all night. Not many congregations can physically, financially, or emotionally support that kind of ministry, so I commend all who do.

As for that business man? I certainly hope he never finds himself in a place of need. Although if he does, knowing what little I know about this congregation he would not be turned away.


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