Thursday, February 07, 2008

Pictures of my world

Thought I'd add some photos of this wonderful winter weather. Two of them are from one of our December snowfalls. I took them just because it was beautiful. One of them is from yesterday's storm. You can see the difference between the December storm and this one very easily. This latest snow is the heavy kind that loves to stick to your car tires and mire you down.

Speaking of.... almost noon and still no plows in my courtyard. A couple more neighbors of mine shoveled themselves out, but again I have no shovel. Plus, that's why I pay $135/monthly fees. Thankfully I have a flexible job (heck, I'm kind of my own boss....) and work that I can do from home. So I guess I best get to those power point slides for this Sunday's worship.


Blogger RevDrum said...

it's pictures like this that make me want to return to the Midwest (but then it's driving in the snow that reminds me why I don't). -Eric

7:57 PM  
Blogger Kris said...

I'll have to try to get a pic tomorrow now that it's shoveled with big'ol snowbanks by the sidewalk now.

Filling the tank of the car tonight with a big slush pond at my feet (and silly me wore no snowboots today because I wasn't planning to make any stops) was enough to make me question again why I live in the Midwest too.

8:08 PM  

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