Beach life is good life

Some days are just more productive than others. It's amazing how inspiring a day at the beach can be. I worked through a few writing exercises, took a good long walk along the beach, washed & sorted out all the various types of shells I've been picking up (these are the inspiration for a few of the ideas I'm bringing back to Milwaukee with me)and read a few chapters of Jimmy Carter's book. Plus, my tan is getting a bit darker, even with the sunblock. My back started the peeling phase of the burn today, so that was protected yet again during my beach time.
Now if I could just have a little more solitude instead of some of these pesky neighbors, I'd be happy! Actually before this week, my neighbors were all good - except for the ones that turned off MY electricity when they disconnected yesterday. I came back from a day away at church, lunch and grocery shopping to find my power off and the temp in the Beast up to almost 90. My poor boys were stuck in here with the windows closed because the a/c was supposed to be running. Now my neighbors are all just a bit odd and annoying. But then again, they may think the same thing about me!
I have two more full days here with the beach, and then I swear I'm moving on. The women in the office know me now. Every time I walk in, they ask me how long I want to extend my stay this time. But I do want to get to Charleston yet, so 10 days at Emerald Isle will have to be enough - for this year anyway. I will be back though.
In the meantime, I intend to take full advantage of this relaxed and refreshing life as I can!
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