Claiming territory

It feels good to be settling somewhere for a while. Not only am I getting into this island beach life, but the cats are really feeling comfortable and taking control of the Beast too. Max & I keep having stand-offs over who gets to sit where. The chair that works best for me to use the table while watching TV is also the chair Max has claimed as his own. Tonight we shared it for a while, as I sat on the outer half and Max kept his stake on the back half. Didn't matter if I was squishing him, he wasn't going to give up. I finally gave in and moved to another spot.
I guess that's what happens when I've been out and about, and the boys have had the Beast to themselves. Today it rained a lot, so I was there and trying to reclaim my territory. Obviously that hasn't worked. That's ok. Most of the time I'm outside soaking up all that I can, and since I've really put them out by removing them from their comfortable home to live on the road I feel I owe it to them to let them have a little control. Pathetic? Maybe, but who cares?
I'd much rather claim my spot on the beach or in the gazebo with book or laptop in hand anyway. It's a little tough to do on the weekend as this place is packed. But come Monday, I'll have the run of the place again. Woo hoo! I'll miss a few of the folks I've been getting to know this week, but there will be new ones to come.
I keep thinking of a book I heard of once, it had a title something like "Everywhere I go I meet a friend" or some such thing. That has definitely been the theme of this sabbatical. Some people were worried that I'd be lonely on my own, but that has hardly been the case. There is some kind of kindred spirit that seems to take over in a campground setting - or along the beach for that matter too. This is a very good thing.
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