Baptized in the Spirit Source

This morning I allowed myself to be baptized again. I spent my morning on the beach with my Artist's Way book and the sound of wind and waves. As I read about recovering my self-identity, I took periodic breaks to go immerse myself in the Spirit Source (which I have decided is a most appropriate name for the ocean.) This is where book and life and Spirit all intersected.
I have come to realize over the last couple of years that I know very well who Pastor Kris is, but I no longer seem to know who Kris is. Today, I felt a sense of self again... or at least a beginning to that self. My body led me into the water to cool off, but my soul led me to allow the waters to embrace me in a re-baptism of my spirit, so to speak. I found myself in prayerful posture, with arms outstretched and palms up to the sun. All the while, the tide carried me and I let myself just be, as the sun shone upon my face. I wonder if I could somehow pray like this every day? Better yet, I wonder if somehow we could transform our new worship space into an ocean to get that sense of joy and peace in our worship? I think I could preach really really well while floating in the ocean!
With the flowing of the water, I felt a release of all that has kept me bound. Suddenly I wanted to write, and to let the torrent of ideas and emotions flow from me to the written page. I hope this carries over, and that I can keep the flow going. I may need to extend my stay here to really develop that pattern of life, and to find my whole self, not just the beginning of it.
Eventually I took my now-wrinkled-self back to my chair on the beach, and let the warm breath of the Spirit blow over me, warming me all the way through. There is a definite peace to this place, and I could stay here forever I think.
In the meantime, I wonder if sand is bad for my laptop. I may need to take it with me to the beach to see if the flow can begin to be productive.
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