A Day without Rain

No rain today! Yippeee! But the rain is still messing up my potential plans for the beginning of my return west this weekend. Everything along the Pennsylvania/New Jersey border is flooding, even down into Delaware. I'd have to go back up to New York to get around it all, and that ain't part of the plan at this point. I can't stay here because it's all booked up for the holiday weekend, unless they have cancellations due to people not being able to get here because of the flooding. I have a place potentially reserved in PA, but who knows if I'll be able to get there. Can't worry about it right now though.
I took advantage of the break in the rain here to spend hours on the boardwalk in Atlantic City. Yes, the skeptics talk about how run down this place has become, which it has. But there's still nothing like walking the boardwalk, eating an ice cream cone, watching the diverse mix of people enjoying the day. I'm still trying just once to get through ice cream cone without dripping on whatever shirt I'm wearing with no success yet. What's up with that?? At least the seagulls didn't drop any bombs on me, which HAS happened before. I was here in AC with friends about 10 years ago, but I think I enjoyed it more today, just observing it all.
Right now I'm just way too tired to write all my observations of the day though. Perhaps tomorrow I'll reflect some more on my day - before I head down to Ocean City to compare boardwalks... or shopping... whichever the spirit moves me to do. Or if it rains again, as they're predicting, I may spend my whole day writing!
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