Tuesday, April 03, 2007


YUCK! Why is my office suddenly becoming a breeding place for worms? Or rather, a dying place. Last week I came in one morning to find 3 - that's THREE dead worms lying in various spots around my office. OK, so I can handle that one-time event. But just now I turned to throw something in my wastebasket, only to be confronted with another longer worm that's still squirming a little (although most obviously in its death throes.)

Thanks to the questionable judgment of the previous pastor who chose off-white carpeting for our high-traffic offices, you can't miss these ugly half-dead critters in the middle of the floor. Again I say YUCK! I ain't touchin' that squirmy thing. (Obviously I am not a fisherwoman...) So he's just gonna have to suffer, I guess.

So now I wonder if there's any significance to half-dead worms showing up all over my office during Holy Week. Martin Luther would probably find some connection to all his "I am a worm" theology. Am I being reminded of the worm in me?


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