Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Morning Person???

Is it possible? Could I be a morning person in disguise? Or is this sabbatical transforming me into one? Can't be. It must just be a delusion. But I am discovering the joy of quiet time and getting my mind focused in the morning. For one thing DO NOT turn on the tv first thing. Anything that happened in the news overnight can wait a little while longer to be heard. Another thing, just enjoy my cats on my lap. Heck, even Moses is becoming a lap cat on this trip. That's pretty amazing too. The only thing is, my lap isn't big enough. Only one fits on it at a time, and if it's Max, just barely one!

But today, I discovered, or maybe REdiscovered, something that I need to do even more in the morning. I wrote my morning pages - a practice that is encouraged (noooo - required) for the creativity course in The Artist's Way, which I'm trying to use as the impetus for my sabbatical work. It's a writing practice that we used often in my college freshman English class - stream of consciousness writing. In the practice of morning pages, first thing you do in the morning is write 3 pages of whatever needs to be cleared from your mind. With my overactive mind, perhaps I should write 5. But what was interesting is that my writing turned into prayer. Guess that's what I need most in these mornings to quiet my racing mind. And maybe I will yet become a morning person.

Of course it helps to be in a quiet campground, watching the sun climb slowly in the sky & listening to the birds..... could I do this every day? I wish!


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