Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery
This stop was in sharp contrast to the "kitsch" of Joliet and "Get Your Kicks on Route 66." I have done funerals at both Wood National Cemetery and Southern Oaks in Union Grove. Both are nice. But Lincoln truly honors the fallen veterans. It was an absolutely beautiful place in exemplary condition. (I think "exemplary" is the best way to describe the military care of this place.)
Not only was everything in extremely well-kept condition, but the lay-out was amazing too. They have several columbariums that are beautifully done, and three committal shelters that are on the outskirts in a deeply wooded area. I would have taken photos there too, but all three were in use and I felt intrusive enough driving by (although very slowly and quietly.) They also have a Memorial Walk, lined with benches and memorials donated by several groups to honor the fallen from every War, and a Scattering Garden in the midst of them for those who want to scatter the ashes of their loved ones.
Everything about this place was honorable and beautiful. Even nature was respectful and protective. As I drove by the committal shelters, a deer stood by the road quietly watching me as if watching over the proceedings - doing her own honor guard.
This place is truly doing right by thousands of veterans.
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